Rita and Jas will always be family to me!
They each brought friends and together the seven of us meandered around Goethe Platz in downtown Frankfurt before eating lunch at Vapianos.
After lunch Jasmin, Darline, and Alische had to head back to Mannheim.
Semanur, Mirijam, Rita and I went to the Mainzer Turm, one of the tallest buildings, for a good look at the city before heading to Kehl, where I am spending the first week with Rita and her family.
(I even was in both a McDonald’s and a Burger King the first day, but not to eat.)
In Kehl, at the Kerschman house, I thoroughly enjoyed dinner. I ate very little because of the jetlag but the mashed potatoes with Rahm sauce and the three salads I sampled tasted yummy. Even better, though, was listening to and participating in the conversation between Rita, her parents, friends, and I around the table, a unique and melodic mixture of Russian, German and English.
Great fun. Much laughter. Lots of love. A dream come true. All in all a wonderful first day!